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F.R.A. Freedom Riding Articles Pardoes de Luxe Sidepull (System 3)

From €93.65
RRP: €133.78
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F.R.A. bitless system 3: bitless bridles are not new! For centuries a bitless bridle was taken for granted, before it was ever thought of putting something in the horse's mouth, people simply put something around it. A rope as a halter was sufficient at the time and that is how the first bitless bridle was created. In combination with the supporting weight, leg and feeling aids, the rider's hand maintains contact via the reins, not with the mouth, but with the head of the horse. Operating principle: Pressure on the nose and cheeks, direct handling of the reins. Next to the F.R.A.® side pull in system 3 we can also find several knotted F.R.A.® halters. Side pull: The leather noseband of this simple bridle ends in a ring on both cheeks to which the curb band and the cheek piece are attached. To the second ring at the same location the reins are attached which refines the rein handling. Added to this a small leather band connects the nose band across ways with the cheek piece, this keeps the nose band neatly in place and enables the rider to give pressure on the cheeks. Knotted halters: Knotted halters are provided in many varieties and designs, the F.R.A.® nh knotted halters distinguish themselves by a variety of measurements in the thicknesses 6, 7, and 8 mm. Next to a basic design, the “Babia”, in three measurements there is also a 6 mm. design in 5 measurements called the “capal”, and a 7 mm. design in three measurements called the “pablo”. The latter two designs are provided with a “nubuck”, a leather neck and nose protection and are meant for professional use. It is exactly this measurement of a knotted halter that plays an important role, the halter serves to fit the horse’s head without unnecessary slack. Position: As it is with all bit less bridles it also counts for the side pull, and the knotted halters that the noseband must rest on the hard part of the nose, approximately there where the nose bone begins. The curb band of the side pull design may instinctively feel taut but may absolutely not be drawn tight. This is to prevent wrenching of the bridle. Influence: Side pull:This bridle literary does what it says, it pulls the head sideward, moving the hand away from the neck results in the fact that the combination of the connection from the cheek piece to the nose band via both straps and ring gives pressure on the opposite cheek: turns. Pulling the rein (halts) results in the discriminating aid of pressure on the noise, which results in pace changes and or halts. All this of course in combination with the other supporting aids. The bridle can only be used for lunging when use is made of a lunging bit piece. You hook the lunging bit piece into the rings where normally the reins are attached. For lunging with double lines and Pessoa lunging you can use the same rings.(available models F.R.A.® pardoes and F.R.A.® shango) Knotted halter: In great lines the under “Side pull” described influence is also applicable to knotted halters. We can say that the low, central attachment of the reins help the discriminating influence of the given aids considerably. Knotted halters may not be used for lunging. (Available models F.R.A.® babia F.R.A.®, pablo and F.R.A.® capal. Suitability: The side pull and knotted halters are, because of their direct influence, very good simple bridles for the rider as well as the horse. They are used in combination with light rein contact and are very suitable for sensitive horses. Therefore the bridle is explicitly suitable to ride young horses and fiery sensitive horses. The bridles are also suitable to correct spoiled horses that are afraid of the rider’s hands. The simplicity of the bridle makes it also suitable for the beginning rider. Finally the bridles give fine possibilities to make a country ride, a trekking and long distance rides. All bridles of system 3 may also be used as a halter.


  • Bitless bridle, sidepull (system 3)
  • Leather
  • Leather reins with clips

Product ID: 343449

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