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Novocontact bits are designed to create a unique oval shape which widens the contact surface on the tongue while the rider keeps a steady contact. Only when the rider gives a reinforced rein aid the mouthpiece turns forward and the contact surface gets narrower, ensuring more precise and effective communication. Thus, novocontact bits improve the interaction between horse and rider for a better contact and acceptance of the bit. The single jointed eggbut bit with D-shaped rings has a light limiting effect and lies calmly in the mouth. At the same time it helps to protect the sensitive corners of the mouth. The model allows a direct transmission of the reins. Tests have shown that single jointed novocontact bits are highly recommended for horses that do not seek the contact confidently. They also provide added benefit for horses with a sensitive mouth, as the rider is able to give precise but soft aids.
Product ID: Q6KP5