Nathe Eggbutt Bit 18mm Double Jointed (70mm ring)
Nathe Eggbutt Bit 18mm Single Jointed (70mm ring)
Nathe Mullen Mouth Bit 20mm Normal, w/ Port (70mm ring)
Nathe Gag Bit 20mm w/ Flexible Mullen Mouth (70mm ring)
Nathe Loose Ring Snaffle 20mm w/ Flexible Mullen Mouth, Copper Middle Link (70mm ring)
Weymouth bit FC, 18mm
Spurs ultra fit, 25mm
Swan neck Spurs
HO Weymouth, Aurigan 14mm
HO Weymouth, Aurigan 16mm
KK Ultra Bradoon Sensogan *14mm
Bradoon dbl. Jointed Snaffle, St. St. 14mm
Ultra fit spurs 45mm, with rowel
Mens Spurs “HS-Dressage“ no rowel
Ladies Spurs “Balkenhol“, with rowel
Ultra Fit Wheel Rowel Spurs
ultra fit spurs with rowel type 005, 40mm straight neck
WH Ultra Sensogan Double Jointed Loose Ring Snaffle 14mm
Fillis stirrup rubber pads, black
Novocontact Eggbutt Bradoon 14mm Single Jointed Sensogan D-Shaped Rings
Turnado Jointed Loose Ring Snaffle 14mm
Turnado loose ring snaffle, Stainless steel 16mm
KK Ultra snaffle, Aurigan 18mm
Mane brush
Fillis Kids' Stirrup
Men's balkenhol spurs - no rowel
Ladies Spurs “HS-Dressage“ no rowel
HS Loose ring snaffle Sensogan 14mm
Spurs Ultra Fit Comfort Roller Soft Point
Spurs Ultra Fit Extra Grip Comfort Roller Soft Point
Turnado 3-ring Bit Sensogan 16mm
HO Weymouth Sensogan 12mm / 5cm Cheeks
Spurs Ultra Fit Brown Grip, SS Rounded Neck
Dynamic RS Eggbutt Bradoon Single Jointed Sensogan 14mm
Spurs Ultra Fit Brown Grip, SS Flat Neck
Loose Ring*Bradoon 12mm
KK Ultra Snaffle 16mm
Rubber bit
Rubber Pelham flexible, single jointed
Rubber Pelham flexible, stainless steel
Pelham Mullen Mouthpiece, curved Stainless steel
Show jumping bit Stainless steel
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