Supplements for Foals & Rearing

Supplements for Foals & Rearing

2 items
Pavo Podo Care 8kg 


Pavo Podo Care 8kg

8 kg (€7.62 / kg)
Pavo Fertile 3kg


Pavo Fertile 3kg

3 kg (€25.83 / kg)
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Mare supplements are a smart way to guarantee your broodmare and foal receive proper prenatal nutrition.

Adding additional vitamins and minerals to your mare’s feed should be done under the care of your veterinarian to ensure she is receiving adequate nutrition during her pregnancy. Adding vitamins to help keep the mare and her unborn foal in proper health is essential. A balanced diet including plenty of high quality hay and the proper concentrated feed combined with the right vitamins and minerals can give your mare and foal the best start in life. Use mare supplements with care to provide her with these necessary nutrients so she can nourish her foal. The proper ratio of protein, calcium and phosphorous is needed to give mares the boost they need during the demanding time of pregnancy. Copper and zinc must also be increased during this time to ensure a careful balance of these essential nutrients. While nature itself and a careful feeding regimen is usually adequate to ensure a healthy foal at birth, most veterinarians will test the mare’s levels to determine if there is a deficiency and help with any imbalance. Horze carries supplements designed to help you provide the best care for your pregnant mare and her foal.